So our bishop called me today and wanted to let me know that he has decided to grant Ross and i permission to be sealed anytime after October 12th. To Ross, this means that he and I will live happily ever after, a means to an end, if you will. For me, it means :
1) A temple dress
2) Finding a place to eat afterward
3) Making sure I fully understand the covenants I'm taking
4) Making sure I don't mess something up
5) Finding temple shoes
Obviously, we can tell Ross is a little more right-minded about this than I am, but I can't help but be excited. Afterall, this is the most important step in our committment to each other, and to our children. I am actually amazed at how far I've come since my discussions with my sister missionaries.
On another note, here are the details of our sealing date:
-It will be on October 17th, 2009
-This will be held at the Salt Lake City Temple
-The room seats 45 people
-The service will commence at 5:00 pm
-All guests need to be present in the sealing room by 4:30 pm
-I will need two female witnesses, my escort, of course, being Rolyne
-All escorts, bride and groom, and witnesses need to be present by 3:45
-And afterward, Ross and I would like to go eat downtown, all children and family invited (we are not paying, sorry : )
I hope everyone can make it.
Don't worry, the dress and shoes are easy! They've got everything you need at the distribution center.
ReplyDeleteHey Rob and I have been married for 10 years and I don't own a temple dress. Rent. Rent. Rent. Someday I will own my own but for now...I rent!
ReplyDeleteHow exciting for you guys Em! I am so happy for you. What beautiful timing, to be sealed to your family unit as your little one prepares to make his grand entrance into the world =)